Getting into bed after a long day is just about my favorite thing. It goes Jesus, my family and friends, and then bedtime. : ) I used to get really good sleep but motherhood and age have changed that.. I’m not bitter, I’m just saying.. We’ve made a lot of adjustments to our sleep set up in the last couple of years and the other day I was like, “woah, look at all this?..” I have a lot of ‘sleep accessories’ now. The things I use have been really helpful to me so I thought I’d share in case some of it might help you with a better night’s sleep too. This post contains affiliate links. I receive a small percentage of the sale when you buy from this post As always, thanks for supporting house homemade with your likes, shares, comments and link clicking 🙂.
When we had been in this house about a year I realized how bright our bedroom is at night. We have a big window facing the front of our house so even with our blinds closed we get street light glow and then sometimes a beautiful, bright moon shining in. I’ve been sleeping with a sleep mask ever since and it really has made such a difference. I realized I was squeezing my eyes shut all night long. Now I can just slip my sleep mask down and it does the work for me.

We updated our pillows around the same time. I was having neck issues and this foam pillow helped so much. I’m a side sleeper and I actually sleep with it upside down and my arm goes into the curved section. I bet you’ve never been told how to use a pillow but my aunt suggested that and it has worked well for me.

My husband has this pillow. He’s a side and back sleeper. I’ve told him we’re now “specialty-pillow-years-old”.

Then our mattress started to get bad… I was waking up sore in the morning…Not a good start to the day, right? I crowd sourced recommendations on Instagram and after your suggestions and some research we got the original tuft and needle mattress. First morning? No pain!! Crazy huh?! We felt pretty confident buying a mattress we’ve never laid on because they offer a 100 night trial. If you don’t like it, you call them, they plan a place for you to donate the barely used mattress and then refund your money. Everyone wins.. Except for tuft and needle, I guess. But we aren’t returning it so they win too.

This next one is kind of embarrassing. It’s like, a next level sleep accessory. I’ve been seeing a doctor and PT about my back and since I’m a side sleeper, it’s important that my hips and spine stay aligned in the night. I tried just using a throw pillow but it wasn’t working very well. So I bought this:

That’s right. It’s kind of ridiculous but it has helped so much. I even brought it out to the sofa for tv watching recently. The grooves actually keep my legs where they’re supposed to be so, at least for me, that’s why its better than a throw pillow.. Certainly not prettier. Just more functional.
That’s it! except for our yummy Target sheets. Seriously, we’ve had brands and sets that were way more expensive but these remain my favorite. I think this actual pattern is close to running out / discontinued but they have lots of other fun patterns and colors.

These are the flannel ones I recently got us for the winter. I love the bold patterns Peeking out from our neutral covers.

Click the images below to shop the post. Hope some of these are helpful to you.
Thanks for reading, friends!